
黃秀鳳  張新軒  蔡文福

國立台灣大學 農藝系


本研究以水稻不同品種為對象,另以一些具有敏感性或忍受性之植物參與比較,經伏寄普 (fluazifop-butyl) 葉面噴施後,發現闊葉植物之生長不受影響,禾本科植物除紅狐草外,地上部鮮重均明顯下降。水稻處理伏寄普後各品種間之反應有明顯差異,其中最敏感品種鵝卵朮與最具忍受性品種新竹烏腳尖之生物檢定 GR50 相差 3.9 倍。在水稻莖頂切片觀察上,敏感性品種鵝卵朮葉面噴施伏寄普 0.15 kg ai/ha 2 天,葉鞘基部即出現明顯壞疽,而忍受性品種新竹烏腳尖雖其莖頂生長點受損,但在第 12 天後會因側芽出現而存活。



Differential Tolerances of Rice Varieties to Fluazifop-Butyl

Shu-Fong Huang, Shin-Shinge Chang, and Wen-Fu Tsai

Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University,

Taipei, Taiwan, ROC



The objects of this study were to indentify the tolerant of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to fluazifop-butyl {butyl-(R)-2-[4-[[5- (trifluoromethyl)-2- pyridinyl] oxy] phenoxy] propanoate} with foliar application.  The shoot fresh weight of rice varieties were decreased obviously by fluazifop foliar-application 0.15 kg ai/ha; but the growth of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and dicotyledon plants were not affected . The rice variety Hsinchu Wu-Chueh-Chien is 3.9 times more tolerant than the susceptible variety O-Loan-Chu based on bioassay (GR50) assay.  Based on the microscopical observations of rice growth point, the sheath base of the susceptible variety O-Loan-Chu became necrosis 2 days after 0.15 kg ai/ha of fluazifop-butyl application.  The growth point of this tolerant variety Hsinchu Wu-Chueh-Chien was  injured, but new lateral bud of rice plant appeared 12 days after similar herbicide treatment.

Key wordsfluazifop-butyl, rice, susceptible, tolerant