

中興大學 水土保持學系





Character and Application of Soil-conserving Grasses

Shin-Hwei, Lin

Department of Soil and Water Conservation

 National Chung-Hsing University


Main soil-conserving grasses, including Bahia grass (A4 and A33 strains), carpet grass, tropical-carpet grass, love grass, centipede grass, sour grass, Bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, kikuyu grass, etc., were applied in Taiwan area. In addition, some Zoysia species, were not to be used for soil-converting before, but were used as turf grasses or for greening area. This writing explained the character, utility and applied value for environmental conservation of those grasses. Besides, for integrated the datum about the adaptabilities and eco-physiological responses of grasses to environment stresses, the review of reference and relative field experiment had also identified, and the knowledge on the potential for reclamation and for greening extension had mentioned detailedly.

Key wordssoil-conversing, turf grasses, environmental stress, plant eco- physiological responses.