
徐玲明 蔣慕琰



草坪中的雜草破壞美觀與均一性,競爭陽光、養分、水分、空間,也是病害蟲的寄主;有些雜草會引起過敏及不愉快的感覺。調查結果顯示雜草相對覆蓋率在660%之間,可大致區分為一年生草及多年生草兩大類,主要以禾本科、莎草科、菊科及豆科所含的種數較多,重要的雜草有兩耳草(Paspalum conugtum Berg)、水蜈蚣(Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.)、蠅翼草(Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC.)、雷公根(Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.)、香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.)、酢醬草(Oxalis corniculata L.)、馬唐(Digitaria adscendeus Henr.)、山地豆(Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC.)、牛筋草 (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.)、匍地黍(Panicum repens L.)。近年來新記錄的植物如粗毛小米菊(Galinsoga quadrirata Ruiz & Pav.)、翼莖闊苞菊(Pluchea sagittalis (Lam.) Cabera)、翅果假吐金菊(Soliva pterosperma (Juss) Less.)、裂葉月見草(Oenothera laciniata Hill.),也在部份地區的草坪中發現。雜草防治方法有預防性的管理、人工除草、機械剪草、化學藥劑防治及栽培性管理,而實際執行需視草坪類別而決定,景觀、裝飾用草坪,講求美觀整齊且少踐踏,管理頗為嚴謹,所以雜草發生的頻率不高,一旦雜草覆蓋率高於草坪時,則採用全面更新草坪的方法;娛樂、運動的草坪,較注重草種的選擇,利用多種方法防治雜草,但要求的水準比景觀、裝飾用草坪為低,雜草總是零星發生;一般綠地、水土保持用草坪,對於雜草則採粗放管理,多用機械剪草的方法,少用化學藥劑防治,雜草的多寡與機械剪草的次數及其他栽培管理的方法有關,因要求的層次低,僅以維持一片綠地為目的,並不在乎雜草的實際防治。




Weed Management in Turf

Ling-Ming Hsu and Mou-Yen Chiang

Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute, Council of Agriculture


Weeds in turf when it disrupts the uniformity of the surface because of differences in density, color, texture, leaf blade size and sharp, growth habit, smoothness, rooting, or wear resistance.  For control purpose, weeds commonly found in turfgrass can be grouped into two categories based on their life cycle: annuals and perennials. The most important weeds are Paspalum conugtum Berg, Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb., Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC., Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., Cyperus rotundus L., Oxalis corniculata L., Digitaria adscendeus Henr., Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., and Panicum repens L. New naturalization species such as Galinsoga quadrirata Ruiz & Pav., Pluchea sagittalis (Lam.) Cabera, Soliva pterosperma (Juss) Less., Oenothera laciniata Hill. are recorded in turf weed in Taiwan. There are several methods of weed control: mechanical control, manual weeding, cultural practices, and chemical control. An effective weed management program is usually achieved by a combination of two or more of these methods. Chemical weed control in turf is gradually developing in recent years in Taiwan. Many annual weeds and broadleaf weeds can be controlled with preemergence and postemergence selective herbicides. Herbicides are important tools for controlling weeds in turf, the proper use of herbicides can convert a heavily weed-infested turf into one that is weed free, but repeated occurrence of weeds may reflect underlying problems that are not correctable with herbicides. Thus, turf grass weed management may be defined as any practice designed to prevent weed emergence in turf.

Key wordsturf, weed, herbicide, weed management