
黃文達  張新軒



百慕達草為一種生長快速、莖葉密集、匍匐性的草種,應用在草坪上共有五個種(species)。普通百慕達草(Cynodon dactylon)Pilger百慕達草(C. plectostachyum)草質粗硬,覆蓋度低,作為公園及休閒地綠化以及牧草使用,其栽培方法為種子及草莖繁殖。而Bradely百慕達草(C. bradleyi)Magennis百慕達草(C. magenisii)及非洲百慕達草(C. transvaalensis)等草質細緻,適合高爾夫球場的果嶺及球道,以及庭院使用。許多草坪型百慕達草均由上述三個物種的種間雜交所育成,故此類育成品系皆藉由草莖、草塊的營養繁殖而形成綠茵草坪,而刈割高度及頻度依不同用途而異。百慕達草在扦插後,噴施殺草劑Lasso+Atrazine防除闊葉雜草。在高爾夫球場之果嶺應使用DiclofopMSMA+Metribuzin均可有效防除頑劣之牛筋草(Eleusine indica)



Characters and Utilizations of Bermudagrass

Wen-Dar Huang and Shin-Shine Chang

Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan



Bermudagrass is a very vigorous, warm-season grass with the prostate growth habit. There are five types of bermudagrass in turf use. Common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) and Pilger bermudagrass (C. plectostachyum) that have relatively coarse texture and low shoot density with excessive seed formation are primarily utilized as a general-purpose turf on roadside, ground and pasture by sprig and seed establishment. Bradely bermudagrass (C. incompletus, African bermudagrass (C. transvalensis) and Magensis bermudagrass (C. dactylon × magenisii )that have the finer leaf texture and higher shoot density form a dense, uniform turf of high quality, when grown under proper climate and cultural condition. Those three species provide a very good play surface for athletic field, tees, fairways and lawns. A number of the turf-type bermudagrass cultivars were developed by interspecific hybridization between those three species. Therefore, most of improved bermudagrass cultivars are vegetative propagated to assure trueness to type by means of spigs, plug and sods. Mowing frequency and cutting height are dictated by the purpose for which the turf is maintained. Most of broadleaf weeds can controlled with the mixture of lasso and atrazine after bermudagrass establishment. Diclofop and the mixture of MSMA and metribuzin can effectively control the noxious goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in tees, fairway and playfields.

Key words: bermudagrass, turf, weed control, cutting height, and mowing frequency.